urllib issues Roundup

I had a spreadsheet listing down the bugs in the urllib. I could not use it effectively as much as I wished to. Decided to list down the bugs in the blog itself so that I stay on top of things TODO.

Feature Requests:


Following are quick fixes as per my analysis.

Following will take days time.

Low priority.

  • http://bugs.python.org/issue1285086
    urllib.quote is too slow

Fixed Issues: Yet to be closed


Facundo Batista said...

I reviewed all these issues, and closed a few, grab others (and put you in copy), ignored others (so far, deal with them later).

Anyway, I asked you several questions in those mails, there's a lot of work to do.

I propose you to start with the easy ones, just to reduce volume and be able to focus better in the others.

Thank you!!

Senthil Kumaran said...

Sure Facundo. I have started on it. I (was) actually working on a issue in which a context insensitive Dict lookup was required. Tried various things before settling on something. I shall attach the patch soon.
Will take up ones in the list next.
