
I am finding it difficult to use Winzip on windowz to Zip a folder which contains a sub-folder.

The Right Click Menu Add to Zip creates a zip (final) of folder(1) and sub-folder(2) as two separate items.!

While on Linux I discovered that if you tar cvf filename.tar directoryname/* it will mangle the files in directory and You had to use as directoryname only.
For zip, its zip zipfilename file1 file2 and when file1 is a directory you got to use directory/*
Just read the man -r foo foo was what I was looking for.

cvs over cygwin

I had been struggling to use cvs to update some scripts using eclipse and wincvs. I had the thought that as they are GUI based, they might be more helpful for starter. with all kinds of failures, I was not able to figure out what the problems were. The same cvs account worked from eclipse on Linux box, but the windows box cribbed with error = -2 or something like that.
Finally, I thought of giving a try with cvs commands from the cygwin installation.
Yeah, I have not yet studied the cvs manual, but I come to know that login is possible only with pserver and not to ext.
b) you can checkout the project modules only from the tree.
c) cannot download a subdirectory only from that module.
c) To add a file to a subdirectory in the module. go to the local folder in the module which has the new files and then do a add and commit. This will add those files to the corresponding sub-folder inside the module at the cvs repository.

this is how I use:

cvs -d :ext:@: co
cd /
cvs -d :ext:@: add file
cvs -d :ext:@: commit file

so, just started. hope to get more grip soon.


me is happie after making the comics-grabber work through the proxy at office. Was trying with the urllib2 + proxyhandler as it not working.

urllib2 with proxy

import urllib2

proxy_info = {
'user' : 'username',
'pass' : 'password',
'host' : "proxy",
'port' : 80 # or 8080 or whatever


# build a new opener that uses a proxy requiring authorization
proxy_support = urllib2.ProxyHandler({"http" : \
"http://%(user)s:%(pass)s@%(host)s:%(port)d" % proxy_info})
opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_support, urllib2.HTTPHandler)

# install it

# use it
f = urllib2.urlopen('')
print f.headers

- Check how to open it in browser?
- patch to comics-grabber for proxy support. Man! I had a need for this for a long time.

All my arguments are wrong

How about having this as a default thought in my mind and then carry on with work.
All my arguments are wrong.

Darwin's Birthday.

I knew from the Calendar
Interesting to find that slashdot that people are celebraing Darwin's Birthday!
But more on the religious grounds than the scientific. Biologists, Evolutionists  must have.

Karate Do

News today.
Got promoted from white belt to Yellow Belt in Karate.
I am learning, Shito ryu Karate at New Horizon School located at the 100ft road.

Rang de Basanti

Saturday turned out to be an excellent day as we from Spastics Society of Karnataka Recretion Club went out for Rang De Basanti.
A good movie to watch. Dont miss it.
Just recollecting the previous good movie I watched, Cinderella Man, this one gave as much satisfication ( or perhaps more). And Cinderella man had a money back gaurantee. Should Rang De Basanti have tried it?

Google Desktop 3

Google's Privacy Policy reads.

If you choose to enable Search Across Computers, Google will securely transmit copies of your indexed files to Google Desktop servers, in order to provide the feature. Google treats the contents of your indexed files as personal information, in accordance with the Google Privacy Policy.

Got to understand. The whole of the file is regarded under Privacy policy, just like email address, credit card number by other sites.
Eitherway, its the owners take.
How often would we need this feature and how helpful would this be?

Firefox Extension - IE Tab

Discoved a useful addon for Firefox in IE Tab
Provides the ability to open IE Only pages as a Tab within Firefox. The author says that this plugin is from Taiwan. Fine, Taiwan should be cool too. :)