shell pi

pi=$(echo "scale=10; 4*a(1)" | bc -l)

ok; bc -l gives floating point value.
a(1) returns arc tangent of 1.
scale is the scable you assign to the bc.

how 4 * a(1) is pi?



/ Don't worry about anything... Go out \ and have a good time. /
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/ ||----w |
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Patch How To

The command you need is:

# diff -ruP libsmbios-0.10.0_beta5 libsmbios-0.10.0_beta5_SENTHIL

Where the libsmbios-0.10.0_beta5_SENTHIL/ directory has your
. Make sure that you run a "make distclean" in both
directories and look at the patch to ensure no stray files got in.

After this, go ahead and send it as an attachment. Doing the patch
inline is excellent for reviewing, but because of the line-wraps your
email client puts in, it is not possible to apply it this way.

getup to oo

"'Well, grok bugzilla / your personal collection of tricky MS files, find some scab and pick at it' he says. He continues, 'the first thing to do is to download the latest ooo-build, and build it yourself, then go over the My First Hack page. Be sure to pop onto IRC and ask for help."

using rdesktop

rdesktop seems a nifty tool.

To use it,invoke with the options:

rdesktop -u <user_name> -d <domain_name> -g <resolution> <windows_machine_hostname/ip>

I used resolution as 800x600. the -g option is a must I guess;I googled for usage of it, cause I could not figure out using it by running the tool, using --help,man etc..

rdesktop on your linux and Cygwin/X on your windows might make a nice handshake!