import http.server
import http.server
class Handler(http.server.CGIHTTPRequestHandler):
cgi_directories = ["/cgi"]
server = http.server.HTTPServer(("",8000),Handler)
Run this server.
Create a Directory 'cgi' in the directory you have the above server script and place the following python cgi code.
import cgitb;cgitb.enable()
print("Content-type: text/html")
print("<title>CGI 101</title>")
print("<h1>First CGI Example</h1>")
print("<p>Hello, CGI World!</p>")
Open the Browser and point to http://localhost:8000/cgi/
1 comment:
Create a bash script named pws-cgi:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
nohup python -m CGIHTTPServer 80 > /dev/null &
Make it executable:
chmod 700 pws-cgi
Run the script:
create cgi-bin on the current dir:
mkdir cgi-bin
Place any cgi script inside cgi-bin and access from browser. It also support any static files (you have to place those on the current dorectory only). That's it
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