
Tihs is a pelicaur pproetry that if the fsirt and the lsat ltteer of the wdros rmiean the smae, and the rset is scbelmard, then you mhigt siltl be able to ierreptnt it. Tihs is very fnnuy. :-)

Inrpeisd from jwz scrmable:


kulalosai said...

where r u on the lisp challenge?

Senthil said...

Re: lisp
Not started yet. Left after the first reading. Will get back and gain speed from this week onwards.

kulalosai said...

Clerks II
dude u shud really 'Clerks II' asap. i know u love lord of the rings and i just hate it. i like star wars. there is a beautiful LoR vs SW srguement in Clearks II that i really enjoyed. u shud see the movie.