Downloading Wikipedia

Having a offline wikipedia has been in mine and my friends thoughts for
a long time. Got to do something about it.

Public Samba Share

I had a requirement to setup the samba share in a way that it does not
prompt for username and password. Some photos had to be shared across to
a wide group and I wanted to share the CD mounted on my system.

Google for setting up a "Public Samba Share", you will get lots of
discussions. This article finally helped.
Apart from your share configuration like:

comment = Public Campusnet Shares
browsable = yes
path = /data/pub
public = yes

Have these in the [global] section.

guest account = nobody

Which defines the account to use when authenticating guests. Don’t forget to create this user using

# smbpasswd -an nobody

This will create the user with no password.

Now we have a perfectly valid Samba setup with a public share, but every time a user wants to access this share as a guest, he will have to do so by logging in as “nobody”. To complete our setup and imitate Windows behaviour, add the following line to the smb.conf global section:

map to guest = bad user

RSS Feeder .NET

Finally an RSS Feeder,which using effectively. Its
RSS Feeder

The way I manage my mails is, I have two folders in OUTLOOK, one for
Internal and another for External.I download the mails to my
local system and read it offline at home also.
So, OUTLOOK is the software, I use major part of the day and have a
setup to work offline.

RSS Feeder .NET does both.

  • Integrates with Outlook.
  • Downloads the posts, to read offline.

Isn't it helpful?

Hello, GPRS

I am posting this via my Nokia 6600 connected via GPRS.
Trying this for the first time and its very interesting.


Tihs is a pelicaur pproetry that if the fsirt and the lsat ltteer of the wdros rmiean the smae, and the rset is scbelmard, then you mhigt siltl be able to ierreptnt it. Tihs is very fnnuy. :-)

Inrpeisd from jwz scrmable:

How do you manage multiple passwords?

I have a question. How do people manage multiple passwords?
I for e.g, have same for many sites which I dont mind losing.
Different passwords for serious ones:
- Admin account for my office comp.
- Citibank account.
- Airtel bill payment.
- Different TPIN
- etc..

but many a times my passwords are within a group which I use.
My problem is, I often forget passwords if I employ a new one.
For e.g I forgot the Airtel site password again yesterday and did the forgot password thing ( this is the third time). I have lost citi TPIN as I have never used it.

What your ways of userid/password maintainence?

Annoucement- pyljvim-0.0.3 Released.

pyljvim is a a Livejournal Plugin for Vim. One can post to the Livejournal directly from vim! :)
Just as I am posting this entry from vim.
It is available at:

Installation is pretty easy and so is the usage.


Contemptuous lights flashed across the computer's console.
-- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy