talk to wumpus

Everying is talking about talk.
Check About talk by Right Clicking on the talk Icon in the windows panel.

Google Blogoscopednoticed something interesting there.
It reads: “play 23 21 13 16 21 19 . 7 1 13 5”.
Interesting.noticed these were all numbers that could represent letters from the alphabet (a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 and so on).
gives "play"

Felt very excited when I came to know about this. Tad tried with Wumpus sometime ago. Glad that Google has brought it back to spotlight!.

Wumpus Page has the C code as well. You can try it on your Linux/cygwin/windows(not sure) box.

GAIM does not seem to play on talk!

1 comment:

Ramesh said...

Seems an interesting game to program. Never knew about this.