
Linus Torvalds has quipped about the name "git", which is British English slang for a stupid or unpleasant person:
“ I'm an egotistical bastard, and I name all my projects after myself. First Linux, now git.”

This self-deprecation is certainly tongue-in-cheek, insofar as Torvalds did not, in fact, name Linux after himself (see History of Linux).

RFC Hierarchy for Related URL parsing

RFC Hierarchy for Relative URL formats
RFC3986(STD066) - This is the current and is the standard.
RFC2396 - This was previous one.
RFC1808 - urlparse header says, it follows this. But this has been upgraded a lot times.
RFC1738 - It started with this.

console font and resolution in ubuntu (Hardy Heron)

When ubuntu (Hardy Heron) booted by default, the console resolution and font ( ALT-F[1-6]) were really awful. Searched a lot to arrive at this solution.

To change your Console Resolution:

sudo vim /boot/grub/menu.lst

Go to your default kernel line and remove splash and add vga=791
The vga argument can take values from 791 to 795, google for the resolutions.
You have to remove splash term from that line, otherwise it wont get set.

To change your console font.

sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup

Follow the interview screens and choose the font to your preference.
For me, VGA with Size 16 worked best.