Todo list plugin for vim

I have been looking out for one like this for vim, this was a todo list which the author had designed according his favorite book 'getting things done'. Let me see how helpful it can be. The idea is good though.
If you stumble across any interesting todo list maintainers and how you use them, please share it with me.
I am right now using google applet.

Todo list for vim:

Picasa for Linux

I have heard people using Wine and crossover office, but never seriously considered it with the outright thought that it will be slow.
Read this post on Picasa for Linux
Have good enthusiam to try it!. The download seems unavailable.

Programming via voice

" VoiceCode is finally in a state where people can use it to do real work in Python and C/C++," says the NRC's Alain Désilets. "The system is still fairly hard to install, but the development team believes users will find the effort worthwhile."


Bjarne's paper on

Learning Standard C++ as a new language. focuses on explaining the whats going underneath when you are using Standard C++ to bring efficiency, which user has to take care when using C.
He also encourages to learn C++ as a language and use the facilities provided by the language and library maximum. Don't fall into or go by the C approach.Yeah, we often find this in many of his papers and teachings. His books start with explaining about vectors in the first chapter itself. Says learning C as subset of C++ does not help.
Encourages to use the Standard Libraries to the maximum extent and when ever possible. For that we need to get to know and learn the methods provided by the Standard library.
Look it different, a good programmer in C++ would be coding in the similar way as programmer in python or java? Its just that some of us from C, want to use the C++ that way?