Captured Unix time 1111111111

Well its like being there during 22/2/2222! Just for a rough comparision to Gagan whom I found very difficult to persuade as to whats so special in this.

Unix time 2222222222 will be on Sat, 02 Jun 2040 03:57:02 GMT



while [ $(date +%s) != 1111111111 ]

echo "Not Yet!"

echo "Unix Time"

date +%s

echo "on `date`"
echo "so we captured the history!"

exit 0

How to print * continuously in vim

   These kind of lines might be required while commenting
The Command to use is simple appending the text.
- Press Esc to make sure you are in command mode.
- Press count. For eg: 10
- Press a. Mode changes to insert.
- Press the character to repeat. here it is *. one * will be inserted
- Press Esc. You will see the command take effect.

Mozilla FireFox Extension - Linky

In one the the previous posts, I had mentioned about a need to select a portion of the page, right click and open the hyperlinks in tabs.
Found something called Linky.