FireFox and Slashdot

I guess Firefox and Slashdot are very poor companions!

First is this bug which I often face, while trying to submit a story or while commenting!

Invalid form key: Q9jRDo9JhK

Chances are, you're behind a firewall or proxy,

or clicked the Back button to accidentally reuse a form.

Please try again. If the problem persists, and all other options

have been tried, contact the site administrator."

I've mailed this to the Bill Cowboy as well.

This is not observed /encountered if using M$ ie.

And the next most irritating thing I am facing with FireFox + Slashdot is: My Login is not retained.

I login to slashdot and have customized light-weight outlook with reading only +5 comments. But I tend to lose the logged in account inconsistenly. Sometimes, just hitting the refresh button. sometimes while doing "Read More" in a new tab, times when trying to submit a story, times when commenting.

If this happened to you, would you not be irritated?

I thought it was some cookie related, but set things right ( to accept all cookies and retain cookies from parent site) but nothing worked!

Has anyone else faced the same problem? Am I alone in this world?

Ode to a School Computer

Ode to a School Computer
By David Ahl

I was stay'in after school a week or so ago
'Cause I told a teacher where she could go

She had me settin' in this big old room
With a bunch of machines that just looked like doom

There's this big Mutha machine with flashing' lights
And a couple of funny-looking' electric typewrites

Well I thought I'd type somethin' for the fun of it
So I hunted and pecked out just one word - "shit"

Before I could lean back in my chair and get steady
That machine typed WHAT, and then it said READY

So I typed a whole line of them four-letter words
But it just replied WHAT and READY like it hadn't heard

Well I figured since I couldn't go out fishin'
I'd teach that stupid machine to listen

So I picked up this book called Teach yourself BASIC
And sat down at that Teletype prepared to face it

First I found to make that machine type my bit
I just had to put a PRINT in front of it

And then I found out that thing could add
And subtract and multiply and divide like mad

I found out too it knew all kinds of games
Like craps and blackjack and a cannon to aim

I was havin' all kinds of fun when that teacher walked in
She just looked at my output and started to grin

I kind of sheepishly asked if I could stay a while more
She said: "Sure; when you just shut the door".

I tried some more games like football and poker
And a parachute jump written by some kind of joker

There was one where I could try to land on the moon
It would crash and blow up if fired the engines too soon

Well, I played on through supper and into the night
And then finally quit when I saw dawn's first light.

Some girls, I know are while lot cuter
But I found a new kind of high with that computer.

find in linux

find / -name "regex"

find / | xargs grep -r -A5 -B5 "regex"