Debian Sarge

Tried Debian Sarge today. Long had a thought of seeing debian work completely. Tried on a PE1750 installed all the megaraid2 modules and everything went fine. I found few media error while installation. But could get to shell at last.

Startx did not work saying:

/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xserverrc: line 2 /usr/bin/X11/X No File or directory



xinit: No such file or directory (error no2): unable to connect to X server.

Solution: as usual help from Google.

apt-get install x-window-system-core

But this failed at xfonts-base because media copy had some errors with the package.

So burnt another CD for bin 1 and this time only apt-get install xfonts-base.

Yo! debian and X is up and running.

Btw, for the first timer, Debian 1 CD is enough for the system to be up and running; dont know what the others contain.

* They still use more as the default pager for man pages when I feel less far more confortable.

cdrecord in Fedora Core 2

The command (for my system) is:

/usr/bin/cdrecord -v gracetime=2 dev=/dev/hdc speed=32 -dao driveropts=burnfree -eject -data <filename>

Previously the device was got by cdrecord -scanbus,but there were problems when given device from scanbus -dev=ATAPI 1,0,0 ( or do I not remember)

Anyway K3B helped and is helping a long way.!

Fortune Program for Fedora Core 2

Kindly download it from

Fortune-mod contains the ever-popular fortune program, which will

display quotes or witticisms. Fun-loving system administrators can add

fortune to users' .login files, so that the users get their dose of

wisdom each time they log in.

Think sideways!

-- Ed De Bono

Enjoy Armagetron!

After a long time I played Armagetron again.

Highly enjoyable game and recommended to all!!

In case you are having problems compiling in Fedora Core 2, follow these comments in this bug.

In this game, you ride a lightcycle around the game grid. You can only make sharp turns of 90 degrees and a wall constantly builds up after you. Make your enemies crash into your wall, but be aware that they are trying to do the same to you. Only if you are fast enough, you may be able to trap them; but the only way to speed up your lightcycle is to drive close to the dangerous walls. Prepare for exciting strategic preparations followed by action-packed close combat!