New Messages in All Folders of IMAP in Mozilla Mail

If you are using Mozilla mail over IMAP and have wondered that it is not
Highlighting New Messages on the folders and subfolders of IMAP except
INBOX, then here is thing you got to do.

* Go to each Folder - Right Click- Properties and Select the Option
Check for New Messages in the folder.

There is a Bug Open
for this kind of behaviour and a patch supplied.

Not tried with the Patch yet. But hope that this feature/features
discussed in the bug becomes available with future Mozilla releases as

Hey, its very much possible for a user to expect that new mails will
be checked in all folders and subfolders of IMAP and he should say so

Read LG#104

Quickly read and completed the
LinuxGazatte #104.

Linux on Low End systems had suggestions for trying different kinds of
window managers.
some discussion on linux on assembly.
There were lots of chat like discussions educating users,but I guess
they would be more informative only when read more patiently.
kgpg was of help and I sent a mail to the author.

hope to check more and even contribute some.

Unix Founding Fathers

This article about dmr and Bell Lab days is very interesting.

Another factor helped the duo of C and Unix to spread much faster than they otherwise would have. AT&T was required under the terms of a 1958 court order in an antitrust case to license its non-telephone-related technology to anyone who asked. And so Unix and C were distributed, mostly to universities, for only a nominal fee. When one considers the ineptness of AT&T's later attempts to commercialise Unix—after the court order ceased to be applicable because of another antitrust case which broke up AT&T in 1984—this restriction, an accidental boost to what would later become known as the open-source movement, becomes even more crucial.

Shell script exit code

I just checked with few resources and could come up
with this.

> *man system *:
> The value returned is -1 on error (e.g. fork failed), and the
> return
> status of the command otherwise. This latter return status is
> in the
> format specified in wait(2). Thus, the exit code of the
> command will
> be WEXITSTATUS(status). In case /bin/sh could not be
> executed, the
> exit status will be that of a command that does exit(127).

> The return status of *wait(2) *consists of 2 parts, packed into a
> single 16 bit unsigned integer.
> a) a Signal Status that indicates why process terminated.
> b) the process termination value as returned by main or given to exit.
> So exit 1 in the script, which executed normally, *might* be a) 0x00
> b) as 0x01
> 0000 0001 0000 0000 which is 256
> exit 2 will be like 0000 0010 0000 0000 which is 512
> etc...
> So, the System call in the C Program is giving us the returnstatus of
> wait(2) for the script executed.
> But as the manual says, the exit code of the command will be
> WEXITSTATUS(status).
> So,
> #include
> int retcode = WEXITSTATUS(system(cmdline));
> gives the values returned by exit in the script.
> Regards,
> Senthil

>> If I write a c program which calls a shell script, I'm noticing that
>> the return code is a multiple of 256. Any idea why?
>> #include
>> int main ()
>> {
>> char cmdline[50] = "source";
>> int retcode = system(cmdline);
>> printf("Returned %d\n", retcode);
>> return 0;
>> }
>> #!/bin/bash
>> exit 0 --> returns 0 in the c code
>> #!/bin/bash
>> exit 1 --> returns 256 in the c code
>> #!/bin/bash
>> exit 2 --> returns 512 in the c code
>> #!/bin/bash
>> exit 13 --> returns 3328 in the c code

How to Create a tar file

Suppose you have
To create tar file of name *codes.tar*, the command is
tar -cf codes.tar 1.c 2.c 3.c

c option stands for create.
f for file

tar -czf codes.tgz 1.c 2.c 3.c will create a compressed tarred file.

Now for extracting these is this command
tar xvf codes.tar
tar xvzf codes.tgz

f should go along with filename.

Thanks Sarovar!

Uthcode is back and it going to take a all new shape.

Thanks to for approving the project request.

Its going to take a hell lot of work now and I am going to enjoy every bit of it. :)

Uthcode is platform for the young developers to cut their teeth.
It provides the snippets of codes for a budding programmer to get started with the programming and enjoy it.

On becoming an expert C programmer

You asked:

``Tell me what I should do in order to keep strong feelings
towards C.''
Permit me to babble out a few random thoughts ...

Write programs for other people.

Where possible, openly publish your code, perhaps on your web site. The site is a good place to announce new code. (It is
a strange web site name, but they are legit and THE place to announce
new code). Support the code that you publish.

Start small and work your way up ... Some of my more popular code is
actually small code fragments that are used by others over and over

Don't be discouraged if nobody (or if only a few people) uses some of
your early programs. What is important is to practice writing quality,
well commented code ... to maintain and fix that code.

I found this really useful and inspirational once again.

Thanks Chongo!

I take it again.

Next Foldoc Entry : LILO


From: Denis Howe

Sent: Sunday, July 11, 2004 5:22 AM

To: OR, Senthil

Subject: FOLDOC entry to edit: new definition]

------- Start of forwarded message -------

From: Matt

To: Denis Howe

Subject: new definition


X-Url: editing

X-Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)

Sender: Denis Howe

Date: Mon, 05 Jan 2004 20:20:24 +0000

new definition

Linux Loader (or Lilo)

I have found a new definition.

LILO - The Linux Loader

>From the LILO README:

LILO is a versatile boot loader for Linux. It does not depend on a

specific file system, can boot Linux kernel images from floppy disks

and hard disks, and can even boot other operating systems. One of up

to sixteen differernt images can be selected at boot time. Various

parameters, such as the root device, can be set indepenantly for each

kernel. LILO can even be used as the master boot record.

------- End of forwarded message -------


If you have a Mozilla (not using? Kindly comeout of stoneage, I welcome you)then try about:mozilla in your address bar.

And so at last the beast fell and the unbelievers rejoiced. But all was not lost, for from the ash rose a great bird. The bird gazed down upon the unbelievers and cast fire and thunder upon them. For the beast had been reborn with its strength renewed, and the followers of Mammon cowered in horror.from

The Book of Mozilla, 7:15

xircom card module load problem with FC2

I had installed FC2 on the Dell Latitude CPx which I have received to use for few days.

When not connected to network,the boot asked me about the xircom card module and I replied to remove it.

Later I did not know how to load the module back. There is this command modprobe,but I dont know how to use it. Whom should I ask?? :( The Laptop lied inside the desk for a couple of days coz I would not be able to go online with out activating the card.

Trials for restarting the network services gave:

system-config network: xirc2ps_cs device eth0 does not seem to be

present, delaying initialization.

Then decided to just Google it and came across this Bug 123734. Wondered! The same problem has been faced by some other guy as well!

Checked with the details and lead me an already opened bug, But the last section said.

ok, after further testing it appears that by removing the ether nete

configuration in Network configuration and rebooting the laptop. then

creating a new network interface definition repairs this.

note: rebooting without removing the existing device profile does

not repair this, the current device profile must be deleted before

rebooting, then add a new profile.

Did this and Yo! Problem solved. :)

but need to analyze more has this is just a simple and a not so efficient way

GPG Key Details

Key ID : 4C88D59C
Key fingerprint = 6C8E 0A4A 64BF 9C70 6034  FD5A 1931 DE09 4C88 D59C
Key Server :




Finishing Work Quickly

When I finish my work quickly, I am usually finding that I get more
interest and I devote my self more to the work.
I should take a hint here.

O.R.Senthil Kumaran