[Fwd: Re: FOLDOC entry to edit: [Charles T. Marie : Josephson device (i.e. Josephson junction)]]

-----Forwarded Message-----
From: O.R.Senthil Kumaran
To: Denis Howe
Cc: charlesmarie88@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: FOLDOC entry to edit: [Charles T. Marie : Josephson device (i.e. Josephson junction)]
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2004 22:40:37 +0530

Josepshson Junction
A type of {electronic} {circuit} capable of
switching at very high speeds when operated at temperatures
approaching {absolute zero}.Its low power dissipation factor makes it
useful in {high density computer circuits}.


Hi Denis,
Thanks again for providing me the oppurtunity to edit
FOLDOC. I have edited the Josephson Junction entry submitted to me on
May 28,2004.If you have any comments on it,kindly let me know.

I am ready to take up the next entry and contribute to FOLDOC.

Warm Regards,

On Fri, 2004-05-28 at 06:01, Denis Howe wrote:
> ------- Start of forwarded message -------
> From: Charles T. Marie
> To: Denis Howe , Charles T. Marie
> Subject: Josephson device (i.e. Josephson junction)
> X-Host: 66-187-167-179.internetprovidersinc.com
> X-Url:
> http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/0,,sid9_gci815055,00.html
> X-Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; MSN 6.1;
> MSNbMSFT; MSNmen-us; MSNc00; v5m)
> Sender: Denis Howe
> Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2003 20:05:03 +0000
> *** EOOH ***
> From: Charles T. Marie
> To: Denis Howe , Charles T. Marie
> Subject: Josephson device (i.e. Josephson junction)
> X-Host: 66-187-167-179.internetprovidersinc.com
> X-Url:
> http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/0,,sid9_gci815055,00.html
> X-Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; MSN 6.1;
> MSNbMSFT; MSNmen-us; MSNc00; v5m)
> Sender: Denis Howe
> Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2003 20:05:03 +0000
> Josephson device (i.e. Josephson junction)
> Josephson junction (i.e. Josephson device - my comment)
> A Josephson junction is a type of electronic circuit capable of
> switching at very high speeds when operated at temperatures
> approaching absolute zero. Named for the British physicist who
> designed it, a Josephson junction exploits the phenomenon of
> superconductivity, the ability of certain materials to conduct
> electric current with practically zero resistance. Josephson junctions
> are used in certain specialized instruments such as highly-sensitive
> microwave detectors, magnetometers, and QUIDs. A Josephson junction
> is made up of two superconductors, separated by a nonsuperconducting
> layer so thin that electrons can cross through the insulating
> barrier. The flow of current between the superconductors in the
> absence of an applied voltage is called a Josephson current, and the
> movement of electrons across the barrier is known as Josephson
> tunneling. Two or more junctions joined by superconducting paths form
> what is called a Josephson interferometer.
> While researching superconductivity, Brian David Josephson studied the
> properties of a junction between two superconductors. Following up on
> earlier work by Leo Esaki and Ivar Giaever, he demonstrated that in a
> situation when there is electron flow between two superconductors
> through an insulating layer (in the absence of an applied voltage),
> and a voltage is applied, the current stops flowing and oscillates at
> a high frequency.
> The Josephson effect is influenced by magnetic fields in the vicinity,
> a capacity that enables the Josephson junction to be used in devices
> that measure extremely weak magnetic fields, such as superconducting
> quantum interference devices (SQUIDs). For their efforts, Josephson,
> Esaki, and Giaever shared the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1973.
> ------- End of forwarded message -------
> --
> Denis Howe
> Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing
> http://www.foldoc.org/
Put your brain in gear before starting your mouth in motion.
Rocky's Lemma of Innovation Prevention: Unless the results are known in
advance, funding agencies will reject the proposal.

Josephson Junction

Josepshson Junction

A type of {electronic} {circuit} capable of switching at very high speeds when operated at temperatures approaching {absolute zero}.Its low power dissipation factor makes ituseful in {high density computer circuits}. (2004-06-28)

Submitted my next FOLDOC entry Today to Denis Howe.

Thanks again to FOLDOC.

Incorrect Tip

In the misc section:

Sending binary data files in ASCII-armored format without encryption
or signature (using pgp command line package.)

pgp -a < binary_filename>

This command instructs PGP to produce an ASCII-armored file called
filename.asc . The recipient uses the -p option to unwrap the message
and restore the sender s original filename.pgp -p filename.asc You can
then store the files in a email message or database table in text


This is Incorrect.

This does not work with GPG version 1.2.1
For gpg command to act, it requires an option as well as a command.
-a is an option and no command is being given.

Kindly remove this tip.


( I have included the Original Author of tips Id, If I am wrong in
understanding kindly let me know, but this tip failed in my box)

If you think before you speak, the other guy gets his joke in first.

Imported Phil Zimmermanns PGP Public Keys

As am Preparing for Blug meet,(I am really nervous,butI am keeping the basic rules in my mind). Just to check the concepts, I downloaded Phip Zimmermann's PGP Keys and imported to my Keyring and verified the Fingerprint ( Just for the sake of it). :)

Read the lg #103

There were many things useful.

  • The general stuffs led me to read more HOWTos.

  • just about gnuplot

  • a fine intro on firewalls and a bit details in iptables and ipchains.

  • Then there was in Hyperthreading concepts of Intel P4 w.r.t Kernel 2.6.x and concurrency concepts.( Just read and need to come back again to logically understand completely)

  • some news and fun!